10 Most Underrated Nintendo 64 Boss Battles

4. Dogadon - Donkey Kong 64

Gohma Ocarina Of Time

Released in 1999, Donkey Kong 64 is not only the most ambitious and multifaceted of any Nintendo 64 games but it also has one of the greatest theme songs of all time - The DK Rap. Puzzles, mini games and battle hardened henchmen stand in your way of taking on King K. Rool who is set on blowing up Kong Island.

Fast forward to the second level of the game, Angry Aztec, and Diddy Kong has to face off against the fire-breathing dragonfly - Dogadon. Surrounded by a cauldron of lava, Diddy has to evade shockwaves and fireballs and throw a barrel of TNT at the flying fiend to gain an island key.

Dogadon returns in the fifth level of the game, Fungi Forest, but this time it's Chunky who has to do the dirty work.

Similar to the first time facing Dogadon, Chunky has to hurl TNT at him but now Chunky can jump into his magic barrel and grow to the same height as Dogadon. This is where the real fun begins as the quick thinking boss game then becomes nothing short of a bare (hairy) knuckled fist fight ending in Chunky knocking Dogadon into the molten lava below.


I see my role at WhatCulture the same way my wife sees my role as a lover: I contribute in a very small way, my presence is barely noticeable and I’m not entirely sure if the laughter is at me or with me.