10 Most Underrated Recent RPGs
10. Grim Dawn
Admittedly Crate Entertainment’s action-RPG Grim Dawn came out in 2016 so while it’s not the most recent game on this list, I’m going to arbitrarily decide it’s recent enough because this game has been overshadowed by Diablo for too darn long.
If you’re a Diablo fanatic and you’ve never heard of Grim Dawn then you’re in for a treat. The class system allows for so many different possibilities in build types, there’s a great loot progression system, and even in the end game you still have plenty of interesting things to do and challenges to overcome.
There’s a really good reason you’ll find plenty of ARPG fans with over 1000 hours in this thing and still keen to keep going with it.
Grim Dawn is set in Cairn, a dark fantasy world loosely based on the Victorian era. Beyond the customisation and satisfying complexity of the mechanics, the hack-and-slash gameplay feels fantastic. Cycling through different build types and kitting yourself out each time keeps things fresh meaning that hundredth hour is just as enjoyable as the first. Though it experienced a far quieter launch than Diablo III which has sold tens of times that of Grim Dawn, that doesn’t mean this one isn’t worth your time, so pick it up if it sounds like your thing.