10 Most Underrated Romances In Video Games

4. Zidane And Garnet

The story of Zidane and Garnet is the stuff of fairytales. Zidane, a ladies man, trickster thief with a heart of gold, takes on the job of kidnapping the princess Garnet, only to discover that she€™s already on her way out of the castle. She quickly recruits him to help with her €œkidnapping€ and the two are thrown on a world-spanning adventure involving warring nations, ancient magics and hilarious hijinks. There are many Final Fantasy couples that could go on this list; Cloud and Tifa/Aerith, Tidus and Yuna, the list goes on. But while those are nice, none of them have the simple charm and chemistry that these two have. Their interactions range from funny and dramatic, to sweet and innocently cute. These two go through a lot together, and though there€™s no kiss or outright statement of €œI love you€, the final scene spells it all out, coming together like a Disney-style ending done perfectly. A truly happy ending more than earned.
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A creative writing student from Indianapolis, Joe loves games, fantasy novels and comics.