10 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)
8. Knack 2
The sequel that no one asked for, to the game that no one wanted in the first place. Knack as a series has been a travesty. Being a launch title for the PS4, it was a joke - one with terrible mechanics failing on even the basest levels as a platformer.
And yet somehow, the sequel isn't that bad at all.
No one saw it coming. And whilst it's certainly not the next Bioshock, it isn't terrible. The gameplay has been advanced substantially, bolstered by some very God of War-esque combat sections, and it is somewhat entertaining to play through - especially in co-op.
Perhaps it isn't for everyone, but there is something here worth playing - a message that's perhaps already fizzled out, being nobody is talking about Knack II.