10 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2022

8. Signalis

evil west
Rose Engine Games

Signalis is one of my favourite surprises of the year. A PS1-style throwback to the days of classic survival horror, the title isn't afraid to wear its influences on its sleeve. From the stylised menus and UI to the static gunplay, ideas from Metal Gear to Resident Evil are present in Signalis' DNA, but all of that is in service of a deeply original story and setting.

The gameplay is what you'd expect from a throwback like this: the player is tasked with searching through monster-infested buildings in search of keys that are locked behind puzzles in order to progress to the next monster-infested building. It's a simple gameplay loop but an addictive one, and the confidence of Signalis' presentation and flow of exploration and combat makes tackling the lengthy game in a sitting or two a surprisingly alluring task.

I'm trying to be vague, as its biggest mysteries and secrets are best experienced for yourself, but if you're a fan of old-school survival horror, you owe it to yourself to try this love letter to the genre.

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Evil West
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3