10 Most Underwhelming Final Fights In Video Games

5. The Arkham Knight - Batman: Arkham Knight

spider man 2018 doc ock

Batman: Arkham Knight's open world is so full of optional story lines that your final boss could vary among multiple characters, but we're going with the one whom the game is named after: the Arkham Knight, aka Jason Todd.

Formerly the second Robin, Jason Todd was - in the comics and the game - brutally beaten and presumably killed by the Joker, only to return years later seeking revenge on Batman for seemingly abandoning him. It was a twist that anyone even mildly familiar with Batman lore saw coming a mile away, but that's only one reason he was a disappointment.

Over the course of a protracted stealth segment, Jason will take up various sniper positions around the stage and summon reinforcements. All Batman has to do is find a way to get the drop on him, at which point a canned animation will play out. Repeat a couple more times and that's that.

For an enemy who's supposed to know all of Batman's tricks, it's disappointing that he relies on canon fodder. This should have been a fight that tested all of Batman's skills against his own mirror image. Instead, it's just like any of the game's other stealth segments, only more repetitive.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.