10 Most Unique Multiplayer Games Of All Time

8. SpeedRunners

Journey PS3
tinyBuild Games

In SpeedRunners, your greatest enemy isn’t your competition or the weapons and power-ups they can use against you. No, here your greatest enemy is the edge of the screen.

Some have called SpeedRunners the multiplayer mode that Mario should have had and that’s a pretty apt description. It’s built around four players traversing an obstacle-filled level at high speeds while trying use their own quickness and items found along the way to slow the others down. 

If you fall too far behind, you get eaten up by the edge of the screen and are eliminated. To make things even more interesting, the edge of the screen grows closer and closer as you play making the margin for error while running almost non-existent.

Although it is a very unique competitive experience, what’s so amazing about SpeedRunners is that it takes all of about a minute to understand and appreciate. Mastering the intricacies of the game, however, is a much tougher matter that lends the game infinite replay value.

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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.