10 Most Unique Ways You Can Be Killed In Video Games

7. Being Eaten By A Genetically Mutated Salamander - Resident Evil 4

Heavy Rain

While Resident Evil has its fair share of frankly nightmare-inducing creatures, few will have provided quite the horror that Del Lago will have for many players.

As the lake monster that lurks hidden in the depths for most of the game, many unsuspecting players will have approached the lake and shot at it - you know, just to see what happens, and how well the water is designed.

Those unknowing players will then receive a free heart attack, as a goliath monster emerges out of the water to gobble them whole. Hilariously, this still might be the easiest way to get the achievement you net with this deadly encounter, as your alternative is to shoot at the lake with the full knowledge of what is about to happen.

And the sheer tension of waiting to be devoured by an angry mutated salamander is, in some ways, more stressful than just being eaten.

Either way, you then have to actually fight this angry catfish for real later in the game, with the full knowledge of how easily it could murder you by swallowing you whole.

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Heavy Rain
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