10 Most Unique Ways You Killed Video Game Bosses

8. Waste All Your Ammo, Incubus Dies Instantly - Silent Hill

Metal Gear Solid 3 The Fear

Despite its relatively unforgiving difficulty and intense atmosphere, the original Silent Hill throws struggling players a lifeline if they manage to make it to the final boss of the Good and Good+ endings, Incubus.

Though presumed to be a glitch at the time of the game's release, in actual fact Konami built a mechanic into the final fight which allowed players to prevail even if they ran short on ammo and seemingly had no way to win.

You can score yourself an easy victory by emptying all your guns before entering the final room to battle Incubus, and then firing all your guns into the air to demonstrate they're empty. Doing so will trigger Incubus' sudden death and the end of the game.

Silent Hill 2 also re-used this trick on its final boss, basically confirming it wasn't a glitch, though the third game sadly afforded no such quarter.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.