10 Most Unlikely Gaming Heroes Ever

8. Dizzy

Dizzy Dizzy was an absolute star back in the video game's industry's formative years, his series of games were hugely popular across Europe and their have even been rumours he may make a return. Quite frankly, why bother? He is about as likely to prove a hero as Lindsey Lohan is to go the next 15 minutes without having a drink. Perhaps what makes it Dizzy's apparent heroic status so unlikely, is that he is an egg. His arch nemesis (a wizard named Zaks) was defeated multiple times by an egg. I am not sure what kind of wizard is unable to fight off an egg, but had Harry Potter's climactic final battles been with an egg, I imagine the series would have been a little bet less successful.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist