10 Most Unlikely Gaming Heroes Ever

2. Blinx The Timesweeper

blinx While many animals have carved our niches as heroes, we have our hedgehogs, our bandicoots and...whatever Rayman is. While there had been a couple of efforts, nobody really made the humble cat their own, Busby was a bobcat, so that is close but not quite right, but then Blinx The Timesweeper came along and proved that...actually it proved that cats are rubbish. Blinx was essentially a "time janitor" and had to do battle with the Tom Tom's (who had absolutely nothing to do with Sat Nav) in order to rescue a princess. He manages to save the day with the use of his trusty Time Sweeper, but basically he would be totally useless without his super powered Dyson.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist