10 Moves We Can't Wait To See In WWE 2K15

1. Superman Punch

Another Reigns specific move, the absolute beauty that is the Superman Punch. We've lost count the amount of times Reigns' has delivered this devastating move and this is one we're very excited about! 2K have surprisingly not displayed what the final product will look like, in fact they've not showed any clip of it whatsoever. We're hoping it's because it will be a "saving the best for last" type scenario. Patrons of 2K14 were dealt a duff card when it turned out that this move was absent from the final game. The additional moves DLC also inexplicably excluded the Punch and made Reigns just another character with nothing special to offer. After all, the spear is nothing that's particularly noteworthy on it's own to elevate his status in that game. In 2K15, as previously mentioned, it would be very cool if signature moves could be delivered a number of times in one burst of momentum. There's been many an occasion where we've seen Reigns Superman Punch the hell out of several wrestlers in the space of 10 seconds, laying waste to everyone in the ring until he's left as the last man standing. Incorporating that in to the game will absolutely make up for the 2K14 omission.
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WWE 2K15
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Law graduate. Dream is to serve the public by day and parade around as Batman by night. Although, the latter would be more desirable if honest. Huge gaming aficionado. That pretty much sums up it up.