10 Moves We Can't Wait To See In WWE 2K15

8. One Handed Crossbody Dive

Jimmy and Jey Uso have single handedly breathed new life in to an otherwise stale and derivative tag team roster. Their chemistry is second to none and always manage to put on impressive matches, especially in recent PPV events where their bouts with the Wyatts have been the highlight of the evening. The one handed dive to the outside of ring is a great example of their athleticism and innovation. And when they simultaneously launch themselves over the ropes it's truly a mesmerising spectacle. There hasn't exactly been a shortage of outside ring moves in WWE games but this is one that hasn't previously been included. 2K14 did a fine job with the animations of the suicide dive and swanton bomb to the outside, so this move in the soon to be released 2K15 will be one to watch. The fact that it's a new move is especially appealing and makes the inclusion of Jimmy and Jey all the more exciting. Players have never really been too tempted to select the mid tier wrestlers in previous games but the Uso's look set to change that with their high flying and exciting style.
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WWE 2K15
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Law graduate. Dream is to serve the public by day and parade around as Batman by night. Although, the latter would be more desirable if honest. Huge gaming aficionado. That pretty much sums up it up.