10 Movies That Directly Influenced Gaming

2. Raiders Of The Last Ark

Ripley samus
Paramount Pictures

Games Influenced: Pitfall, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Spelunky

On top of paving the way for characters like Lara Croft, Nathan Drake or, er Spelunkey Guy, is there a platform or adventure game out there that doesn’t owe a little something to Henry Jones JR.?

Of course, any game which involves searching for ancient treasure is going to have a hint of Indy, but with the amount precautious situations and epic set pieces our hero finds himself in it is almost impossible for a game not to feature a parody or homage.

Spikey death traps to avoid, perilous gaps to jump over, I could be describing any console platformer from the late ‘80s/early ‘90s. The transition into 3D added even more tropes from the Indiana Jones trilogy (that’s right, trilogy) with Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, Link, and countless other gaming mascots each running away from a giant rolling boulder at one point or another during their long careers.

Add the minecarts and crushing ceilings from the sequels and it is an absolute wonder why no one has attempted to make a new Indiana Jones game for almost a decade.


Writer, talker, chocolate cake stalker. Follow me on Instagram @thelittletellyupstairs, Twitter @blockbusterman, or listen to my pop culture radio show The Geek Out every Thursday 8pm GMT on Radio Woking.