10 Movies You Never Knew Had Their Own Video Game

7. Braveheart

John Wick Hex
Red Lemon Studios

Inexplicably one of two Best Picture Oscar-winning films on this list, Braveheart is one of the most successful and beloved historical epics of all time, no matter its historical inaccuracies and, er, that Mel Gibson accent.

But did you know that in 1999, four years after the movie's release, Scottish outfit Red Lemon Studio put out a real-time strategy game based on the First War of Scottish Independence?

Honestly there are much, much worse ideas for video games based on movies - Braveheart is an action-packed war film that lends itself well to various game genres, perhaps best of all RTS.

Yet critics were wildly divided over the game's failed ambitions, attempting to meld the rigour of a clan-management sim with more exciting 3D battlefield carnage, especially with the latter's janky A.I. and sluggish pacing.

You can't really accuse Red Lemon Studio of just curling out a low-effort movie game here, but as their first title they may have taken on a little too much. After several further underwhelming releases, Red Lemon went bankrupt in 2003.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.