10 Nasty Video Game Levels Designed To Torture You

6. Blighttown - Dark Souls

Underwater mission

Ah, yes, Blighttown, the video game equivalent of Hell where everything, even the ground you stand on, is designed to fulfill a single purpose: kill you.

There are two ways to go about infiltrating the fetid swamps of Lordran, the hard way or, well... the hard way. Souls veterans will know that choosing the Master Key at character creation can eliminate many of the headaches associated with getting a one to one with Quelaag, but even still, there's no avoiding the decrepit scaffolding and toxic bog between the both of you.

You will be poisoned down there, in the depths of despair, hounded by blood-gorged mosquitos, boulder-throwing mutants and a sack-head, butcher knife-wielding madwoman, but just remember, this is nothing, compared with option B.

Do yourself a favour and chuck that key robbed from the Gaping Dragon's corpse away. You don't want to enter Blighttown from that direction, lest you get lost in its unending maze of walkways, home of fire-breathing mutts, for all eternity.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.