10 Notorious Video Games That Ask You To Sacrifice Your Social Life

3. Guitar Hero

The rise and fall of the Guitar Hero series of games seemed to take place within an instant. Looking back now it genuinely seems an age since these games were among the most popular of the annual release titles like Call Of Duty, but in reality it was not that long ago being Warriors of Rock came out 2010. The premise of the Guitar Hero series was at once simple and enchanting; by following pattern of buttons like a more obvious version of what players do in any other video game one could perfectly recreate each instrument's contribution to some classic rock 'n' roll tunes. The addition there came other instruments to the originally guitar-based formula which did make this a more sociable affair in allowing friends to become the band together, but the addition of social interaction made it difficult to truly master the game unless you were all playing and practicing as much as a real band would have done. The absurdly difficult 'expert' level for some of the game's tracks could only be beaten with serious dedication, unbreakable concentration and a natural gift for dexterity. You know; the things that could turn you into a global superstar if you spent the time with a real instrument instead of a games console...

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.