10 Notoriously Difficult Levels In Video Games

1. Turbo Tunnel - Battletoads

Battletoads - Turbo Tunnel

Battletoads... a game from the time when gaming was meant to be difficult and players had to earn the respect of their games, before they truly won. One of the most notorious in history, Battletoads is difficult throughout, but there is one level that will spark fear and dread in any player's heart: Turbo Tunnel...

Everyone has seen Turbo Tunnel, even if they don't recognise it by name, and it has undoubtedly broken thousands of controllers. Requiring the player to have superhuman reflexes or memorise the level to a tee, Turbo Tunnel is a fast-paced biking sequence that requires players to dodge obstacles that appear on the screen about as fast as the game can render them.

Painfully difficult and infamous in its nature, Turbo Tunnel remains the most notoriously difficult level in gaming, period.


What do you think of our list? Any levels that stoked your frustration and deserve to be on this list? Let us know down below in the comments!


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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.