10 Notoriously Difficult Levels In Video Games

9. Trick Track Trek - Donkey Kong Country

donkey kong country

Donkey Kong Country was exceptionally difficult but incredibly fun. There were very few stages that made you want to flip, but Trick Track Trek was easily one of them. Playing like your standard level, there was one large exception. The fact that the majority of the level was played on a mechanised moving platform.

This meant that navigating the level required some pretty decent reflexes or an in-depth guide. Without them, you found yourself constantly surprised by the sudden changes and having to act on the fly was surprisingly difficult. Especially with there being plenty of places for you to fall to your death.

Whilst not one of the hardest levels (thus it's placed high up on the list), it has garnered a fair bit of fame for its difficulty and rightly so. Whilst not nearly as infuriating as some levels on this list, it still holds a strong contender.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.