10 Obscure Gaming Easter Eggs You Probably Never Found

6. World of Warcraft - Chicken Questworldofwarcraftcataclysm Game developers apparently have a fascination with hiding animals in their games - and especially making them evil. The Diablo team turned a world of cows into a baying horde of merciless devils, and the minds behind Gears Of War included some chickens that would reap bloody vengeance if provoked - perhaps as revenge for all of the poor animals mercilessly wiped out in the Fable games. WoW features a quest line only accessible through the use of text codes from the speech box. When instigated, you have the opportunity to feed a chicken and then receive an egg which enables a chicken companion to accompany you... This quest requires they typing of the word "chicken" 75 times, which is excessive although may be bypassed by using a notepad beforehand and Ctrl+C-ing the text. What makes this Easter egg so different is that, unlike ones that are merely for show, visible parts of the scenery or things that change is that this one has a permanent result on the rest of your game and is an achievement in and of itself - the chicken companion will follow you up until you leave a certain point. This way, you are able to display to other players your triumph over the poultry race.

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Easter Eggs
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British writer, musician and misanthropist.