10 Obvious Video Game Home Runs That Somehow FAILED

9. Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection

Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection

At this stage, Star Wars: Battlefront is nothing but a cursed IP. The so-called Classic Collection, a compendium of Pandemic's first two original games, launched back in March of this year and swiftly earned universally negative scores across the board. Network issues aplenty ruined any chance of fans embarking on a nostalgia-fuelled adventure in a galaxy far, far away, and that was just the first offense.

If you want an idea of just how short-sighted the business decisions proved to be this time around; three 64-player servers were available at launch. A far cry from the number needed to accommodate players in their thousands. Sure, additional server space was deployed not long after, but once people were in, all that awaited them was a technical mess of bugs and questionable design choices. No attempt to modernise controls, missing cinematics, and, the kicker, the use of fan-made content without the creators' permission, resulted in what should have been an easy win appearing as little more than a quick cash grab.

The original Battlefront games are revered for a reason but this lazy port doesn't make it easy to see why. In hindsight, that Aspyr's in charge of the upcoming Knights of the Old Republic remake is as worrying prospect, to say the least.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.