10 Obvious Video Game Sequels The Industry Is Ignoring

2. Bully 2

Bully 2

Like Valve, Rockstar have suddenly become extremely picky when it comes to delivering sequels to their biggest franchises. The developers have a ridiculously lucrative library of names that they could choose from, but because of just how demanding their titles are to produce, it's meant that there hasn't really been much scope to release games outside of Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto.

As a result, that's meant the possibility of fans ever getting a Bully 2 has grown increasingly slim as the years have worn on. Not only has the vision of the devs narrowed, but their approach to narrative and gameplay has evolved drastically from the arcade hijinks of Bully.

Fans have never wavered in their desire for a sequel though, and for the longest time it seemed like it was happening. Rumours and artwork from the project were constantly being leaked, and at one point we actually had a strong idea of what a sequel could look like.

Tragically, a source earlier this year revealed that while all those rumours were indeed real, they were from a prototype that has since been abandoned. Apparently Rockstar had been kicking around ideas for a while, but couldn't bring them all together and dropped it in favour of other projects.

A new version of Bully 2 might see the light of day eventually, but Rockstar will have to go back to the drawing board first.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3