10 Obvious Video Game Sequels The Industry Is Ignoring

8. Prey 2

Prey 2

Now this is a weird one.

Prey 2 has technically already happened in Arkane's 2018 Prey, but it's not the sequel everyone lost their minds over at the start of the decade.

That's because the latest release is more of an in-name-only reboot, whereas the original idea for Prey 2 was far different, and more tightly woven into the story of the original release.

This follow up would have had players take control of a bounty hunter across a gritty sci-fi open world, and the trailers looked awesome, but sadly the actual game didn't live up to Bethesda's expectations and was cancelled (yes, the same company that pushed out the broken Fallout 76 apparently had standards at one pint).

That hasn't stopped fans from pining over the sequel coming back in some form - especially when this killer twist was revealed - and it's not entirely a pipe dream.

We currently live in an age where older games can receive direct sequels even if they've been rebooted (like Devil May Cry 5), but even with that in mind this seems unlikely to ever happen.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3