10 Most Offensive Portrayals Of Women In Gaming

2. The Rape Victim

Custer's Revenge is one of the worst games of all time, a glorification of rape in which the player controls a crudely drawn version of General George Armstrong Custer, with the goal being to reach the opposite side of the screen, avoiding projectiles, in order to rape a Native American woman. Yep. For all of the positions the aforementioned games have put women in, this isn't one of them. It's not that video games shouldn't deal with rape, but to do so in such a flippant, even "comical" manner just seems way off-base, even if the game is over 30 years old. Take last year's Tomb Raider, which accidentally ignited a PR fiasco when the tabloids picked up on a scene where a bad guy makes an advance on a restrained Lara. Suddenly the scene was a "rape" scene, even though Lara promptly fends off the move with a knee to the groin. Attempted rape? Sure, but even at that point, at least Crystal Dynamics had the good sense to approach it from a mature standpoint rather than treat it as a joke, which it unequivocally isn't.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.