10 Open-World Games That Punish You For 100%

1. Dragon Age: Inquisition

God of War Ragnarok Kratos

Though Dragon Age: Inquisition is admittedly only a semi-open-world game, it does still fall prey to the same pitfall as all these prior games - failing to reconcile the appeal of going for 100% with a meaningful, challenging main questline.

From early on in the game, there is a jaw-dropping number of side quests which can be completed, though doing so will quickly ensure you're overlevelled.

It's clear that BioWare mistakenly assumed that most players would rinse the story at warp speed and then return to the side content, but given how many fans have complained about ending up OP long before the final boss fight, that clearly wasn't the case.

In fairness Inquisition's side missions are actually not that great, and for all but the most obsessive of players it becomes pretty easy to persuade yourself to leave a lot of them well alone.

But for those who do accept the challenge and try to knock everything off, they're going to wind up with a risibly anti-climatic final battle.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.