10 Open-World Games That Punish You For 100%

3. Crackdown

God of War Ragnarok Kratos

Crackdown is admittedly a deeply silly, rough-around-the-edges franchise that probably wouldn't have hooked many players in if it offered a crushing level of difficulty.

That said, it's easy to imagine many dipping from each of the games mid-campaign given how easily you can become an absolute goliath against which nothing stands much of a chance.

It's incredibly simple to end up levelled far past the recommended point for a given mission, and while there's absolutely a fleeting joy to obliterating enemies as a can't-be-stopped badass, the general lack of variety means that being overpowered soon enough becomes a real bore.

Crackdown 3 admittedly offered up a little more challenge than its predecessors by way of a dynamic AI system, but it was still exceptionally easy to smite anything the game threw at you with just a little exploration.

A power fantasy is one thing, but when the gameplay is so dead-simple and lacking in finesse, it's just not enough.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.