10 Open-World Video Game Bosses You MUST Fight

6. The Nameless King - Dark Souls III


For over a decade now, the Souls-Borne franchise has torn up critical and commercial charts, becoming one of the biggest franchises in modern gaming. Its high level of difficulty and highly customisable play styles have cultivated an enormous community who commit whole-heartedly to dying time and time again.

Much of the charm behind the series stems from its intentionally vague narrative which conjures up many mysteries within its world. The player is encouraged to explore and discover on their own, to unravel the deeper workings of the world.

This is also true with the hidden bosses lurking within each setting.

In Dark Souls 3, the series took the franchise's secret adversaries to their highest point yet with the Nameless King. While initially the player makes their way through the Great Belfry to ring a large bell, many would consider that area complete. However, those who ventured back to Archdragon Peak afterwards will stumble across this colossal opponent.

Riding in on a mighty dragon, the nameless king is considered once of the hardest bosses in the game. You'll have to dodge attacks from the king's spear and melee attacks. There's very little room to get hits in yourself as the boss constantly leaps around the arena. You may need a co-op buddy or two to help bring him down.

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A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website https://robc25.wixsite.com/thecainagecritique and my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftJ6WcozDaECFfjvORDk3w