10 Overhyped Upcoming Video Games That Could Disappoint You

8. Beyond Good & Evil 2

beyond good and evil 2

If there was one that game that exemplifies everything wrong with showing a project off too early, it's Beyond Good & Evil 2. Yes, the idea of a sequel to one of gaming's most criminally overlooked gems is A Damn Good Thing, but let's come back down to Earth a sec: Creative Director Michel Ancel had barely started work on the sequel - with seemingly no gameplay specifics whatsoever - when the public found out.

The best Ubi could do at E3 2017 was a character model and chunk of the world, rendered in detail - to which early demos then spent half hour stints zooming around as a way to convince us everything was on track.

From here it'll mean multiple years of development and a reliance on CG trailers, the latter coming together at the last minute depending on whatever's been nailed down by Ancel himself. It's why we got an elaborate load of nothing at E3 2018, and why Jade was only shown off in the closing few seconds.

On a hope and a prayer, BG&E 2 will still be spectacular, but... well... it's going to be a LONG time before we see it, and that only spells disaster.

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