10 Overpowered Video Game Weapons That Made You Rage Quit

5. Photon Projector - Overwatch

Vex Mythoclast Destiny

Given the fluid, ever-changing nature of Overwatch's meta thanks to Blizzard's continued pursuit of perfect balance, its Heroes rise and fall on the power scale on a regular basis. Symmetra, often considered to be one of - if not the - weakest combatants on launch, received a much-needed overhaul at the tail end of 2016 which repositioned her from trash to God-tier.

Much of that came as a result of her suite of new abilities, but thanks to Symmetra's reworked Photon Projector, she became a one-size-fits-all pick, able to fulfil every role by way of absurd healing, damage multipliers and huge range. Given the choice, you didn't fight Symmetra mano a mano, you legged it back to your team, only for her to follow and singlehandedly wipe your entire crew.

Symmetra's period of dominance came to an end when Blizzard intervened and a solid pick she remains, just not the automatic one she once was.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.