10 Overpowered Weapons That BROKE Video Games

6. Pistol - Halo: Combat Evolved

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Master Chief, Halo's main protagonist, was designed to be the ultimate soldier and a complete badass. It's fitting, therefore, that at no point is this on show better than when he is armed with just a simple pistol.

Halo: Combat Evolved's M6D Personal Defense Weapon System might look on the face of things as just another typical starting FPS weapon, but anyone who has the Pistol in their hands will know all too well how powerful it can be.

What makes Combat Evolved's weapon so iconic was how it utterly took over the game's multiplayer modes. With all the fancy alien weaponry at their disposal, it should speak volumes about the Pistol that most players found themselves being destroyed by such an unassuming weapon.

Quite simply, the M6D brought it all to the table when it came to carving through enemies. Its damage was overall very high (especially against shielded opponents), its firepower of roughly 210 rounds/min (3.5 rounds/sec) is impressive and the range in which it delivers its bullets also helps to make it so game-breakingly destructive.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.