10 Most Overrated Video Games Of All Time

3. World Of Warcraft

Judging a constantly evolving massively multiplayer online game like World Of Warcraft is a complicated affair. After all, the heart of WoW is almost ten years old, yet because of its persistent online nature, it's also current. What passed for groundbreaking in 2004 is now archaic and long forgotten, yet Blizzard's seminal MMORPG still captivates around 7 million active gamers, something few other decade-old titles can claim. It is one of those rare games which has become ingrained into popular culture - when South Park makes an entire episode based on your game, you know you're onto something special. But, like Britney Spears, One Direction and the like, just because a bazillion people love you, doesn't mean you're any good. World Of Warcraft earns its steaming vats of hatred in a similar way to Minecraft, although the two games couldn't be more different. Where Minecraft is the gaming equivalent of a lonely child sitting in his bedroom building castles with blocks of wood and wishing he had friends, World Of Warcraft is a massively social experience... in theory, at least. In practice, much of your time is spent on that most degrading of game activities: the grind. Like with most successful freemium titles - those pitiful little dung gems which are programmed to waste your time or cost you money - World of Warcraft requires an immense investment from the player for even the most menial progress. Yes, we also throw hours of our lives into a game like Skyrim, but there we have a palpable sense of relevance within the game world, as well as a complex, engrossing storyline to pull us forward. With player numbers steadily on the decline since its peak, it would appear that World Of Warcraft is finally starting lose its shine - something which Activision Blizzard tries to remedy with substantial expansion packs. But, like trying to patch a sinking ship with Sellotape, these attempts are starting to reek of desperation. At this rate it won't be long before the remaining 7 million-odd supporters realise that their beloved World of Warcraft is nearing it's expiration date.
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Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.