10 PC Mods That Make Non-Horror Games Scary

2. Hell On Earth - Horror Mod (Fallout: New Vegas)

Creator: thelonewarrior The Hell On Earth €“ Horror Mod is another mod that attempts to transform Fallout: New Vegas into a survival horror game. It does so extraordinarily well. Not only does the mod drastically alter the gameplay, it adds €œNightmare€ versions of certain areas in the game. Inspired by Silent Hill, these €œNightmare€ versions are darker alternatives to the original locations, complete with disturbing new enemies and unsettling audio. If you€™re lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it), you might even catch a glimpse of Pyramid Head whom has been lovingly recreated for the purposes of this mod. (Link to Download)
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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.