10 Perfect Games With Even Better Sequels

These "perfect" games had room for improvement.

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While making a video game sequel, the developers should do everything to remedy any issues the previous instalment had while still retaining its spirit. Now, there are many follow-ups that pulled this off with flying colours, including Persona 5, The Witcher III, and Street Fighter II. 

However, making a superior successor is tricky when the previous game was pretty much perfect. There's been countless Pac-Man and Tetris entries and yet, none have come close to replicating the magic of the original. Obviously, it's debatable what qualifies as a masterpiece, but it doesn't seem feasible to improve upon certain titles.

But it does occasionally happen. When a game that's considered flawless gets a sequel, it tends to sell well regardless of its quality. Rather than cranking out more of the same, some creators go above and beyond to ensure the next instalment is just as good, if not better. By fine-tuning mechanics, removing minor flaws, and adding a whole bunch of innovation, these sequels blew their predecessors out of the water.

These ten video games may have been considered unequalled in quality, but their sequels proved to be better in every possible way.

10. Batman: Arkham Asylum & Batman Arkham City

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Warner Bros.

With only one game under RockSteady's belt at the time, little was expected when the up-and-coming company announced a Batman title was in the pipeline.

Little did we know Batman: Arkham Asylum would become the definitive superhero game. With its accessible controls, compelling storyline, visceral combat, intricate detective mechanics, and towering voice-acting, there was no question the creators brought their A-game.

Although the follow-up, Arkham City, was shaping up to be another blinder, the creators went above the call of duty to deliver the perfect Dark Knight experience. The open-world was significantly larger, which made exploration, gliding, and combat far less cramped than before.

Asylum's bosses were a sore point, so no expense was spared this time around. Mister Freeze gets special mention, since facing off against the cold-hearted supervillain is one of the most imaginative boss battles in history.

More variety was given to the missions and side-quests, which offered a more engrossing experience overall. The original story was top-notch, but City's narrative has so many twists and turns, players were picking their jaw off the floor after the gobsmacking climax. 

While playing Arkham Asylum, you felt like Batman. But in Arkham City, you ARE Batman. 


James Egan has been with Whatculture for five years and prominently works on Horror, Film, and Video Games. He's written over 80 books including 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts About James Bond 1000 Facts About TV Shows