10 Perfect Stories Told In Video Games

6. Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2 Ending

Diving back into the horror genre, we simply can’t ignore one of the best stories ever told in Team Silent’s 2001 epic Silent Hill 2. James Sunderland has received a curious letter from his late wife which takes him to the sinister town of Silent Hill.

The game has a huge amount of symbolism that reflects James’ deep-seated insecurities, fears, and beliefs.

There’s an impressive amount of subtlety in the storytelling that elevates psychological horror beyond the simple presence of monsters in front of you. The monsters are actually a representation of James’ disturbed psyche and your journey toward learning that and realising who he really is is fascinating. Another cool area in which Silent Hill 2 is extra special is that you can get different endings depending on how you played. For example, if you spent a lot of time with low health the game interprets that as James being suicidal.

Silent Hill 2 deeply embeds you in the disturbing story that it has to tell in that way only a video game can and it's a story that is impeccably told.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.