10 PlayStation Games Sony KILLED

7. Noby Noby Boy

MAG game
Namco Bandai Games

After the success of the Katamari series, Keita Takahashi released a similarly whimsical game called Noby Noby Boy in 2009.

In each level, an elastic worm creature called Boy must twirl his body at certain angles to stretch out as much as possible. The more Boy expands, the more points he's awarded, allowing him to unlock new areas.

Much like Katamari, the PS3 title is incredibly addictive, despite its simplistic and silly premise. Although there's no real goal, finding elaborate ways to make the wiggly hero expand is deeply satisfying.

Even though modern gamers would have a blast with Noby Noby Boy, obtaining this gem nowadays is a bit problematic, since it was taken off the PS Store in 2018. So, not only is it unavailable online, Noby Noby Boy can't be played at all, unless it was purchased beforehand.

Being the devil's advocate, it's understandable why Sony shut down the servers of a lesser-known IP that came out over a decade ago. But why the big wigs removed an enjoyable game like Noby Noby Boy from the online store entirely is pretty peculiar.

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