10 Pointless Video Game Endings You Unlocked Anyway

1: Such Beautiful Eyes You Have - Hatoful Boyfriend

hatoful boyfriend

This last one requires a caveat similar to my Morinth entry. If you’re playing Hatoful Boyfriend at all I’m betting you’re mining through as many endings as you can because not only is this game an absolute fever dream, it’s actually pretty good and there’s really nothing quite like it out there.

I am sure it’ll come as a surprise that the pigeon dating sim where you play as a human going to a school with and romancing pigeons has a weird ending but here we are.

This one is pointless in that it’s unnecessarily hard to achieve. You have to get almost every other ending to see it and then you’ll be told that, and please brace for the greatest sentence I get to say this week, the serial killer school doctor cannot love you more than his research so he decides to keep your head as a trophy while experimenting on your body and kills you off via the means of cleaver. Why any of this happens, what experiments this bird was doing and who died before this point are all things I don’t have time to get into but suffice it to say this will feel pointless but absolutely worth unlocking for Hatoful Boyfriend diehards.


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