10 Popular Video Game Mechanics The Industry ABANDONED

9. Integrated HUDs

shadow of mordor nemesis system
Electronic Arts

Dead Space is a terrific game for many reasons, not least that it introduced an innovative immersive heads-up display (HUD) which was integrated into the diegetic world of the survival horror game itself.

Rather than crowd the screen with icons, life bars, and so on, the player's health and stasis meters are visible on the spine of protagonist Isaac Clarke's suit, while your ammo count is projected holographically just in front of your weapon.

Furthermore, inventory screens and the map are also displayed within the game world as holographic projections.

An intrusive HUD design can often severely cramp a player's immersion in an otherwise great game, and Dead Space is basically a note-perfect example of how to blend vital player information into the aesthetic in a way that feels totally organic.

Even accepting that such HUD design requires some serious thought and creativity, it's surprising that, almost 15 years after the game's release, integrated HUDs are still a serious rarity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.