10 Popular Video Games You're Playing Wrong

2. Prey - It's Not A First-Person Shooter

Prey game

Although at a glance Prey looks like any other first-person shooter from the past couple of years, playing through it the same way you would Call of Duty robs the title of most of its unique charms. Because while you can technically rely on machine guns, pistols and shotguns to safely navigate the alien-infested space station, all of the inventive, player-driven freedom the game promotes would be missed in the process.

Taking inspiration from survival horror games, resources are scarce in Bethesda's reboot, meaning that you have to improvise to complete objectives. Consequently, players who blast through it like any other FPS will no doubt get frustrated by the lack of ammo and powerful enemies that can tear you apart in seconds.

There's always at least five ways to solve a problem in Prey, and with a bit of ingenuity you can progress even if you don't have what you think you need. Maybe there's a boss blocking the way to the next story beat and you don't have the bullets to kill it, you could fashion an impromptu staircase with the gloo gun to sneak over it, transform into a mug and roll past it, or hack into a computer and find an entirely different route to where you need to be.

They all lead to an interesting solution, and all of them are more satisfying than throwing a pistol at the problem and hoping it'll work.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3