10 Potential Plot Twists That Could Ruin Upcoming Video Games

9. The Campaign Turns Sci-Fi Halfway Through - Call Of Duty: WWII

Call of duty WW2

The Twist: Mid-way through the new Call of Duty's gritty World War II-based campaign mode, the player will gain access to anachronistic high-tech weaponry in order to take the Axis forces down.

Why It Could Ruin The Game: On the surface, Call of Duty: WWII appears to be a direct reaction to those players who lost interest in the series' more recent diversions into ridiculous sci-fi territory, which is a million miles away from its far more grounded origins.

To essentially bait-and-switch players with the promise of a realistic, down-to-Earth war story only to introduce the usual silliness later on would be a tremendous troll at best, and straight-up false advertising at worst.

How Likely Is It?: The PR nightmare surely wouldn't be worth any potential financial gain here, so it looks like the sci-fi nonsense will take a back seat for this year at least. 3/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.