10 Potential Problems With Fallout 4

2. The Graphics Do Kinda Stink

For the most part, responses to Fallout 4 have fallen in one of two camps €“ those who think the graphics look terrible, and those who don't care. Much more rare are those who will claim that the game actually looks good for a current generation title, because there isn't all that much of an argument to be made in that case. The announcement trailer and E3 footage do stand out visually from most other AAA titles being exhibited. In that it doesn't really match up to the standard of other titles revealed at the show, such as the similarly deserted open world of Horizon: Zero Dawn with its lush vistas and like-real characters. Heck, Fallout 4 pales in comparison to the trailer for a Final Fantasy VII remaster. Fallout 4 really doesn't provide much competition to its rivals. Bethesda have made some big graphical leaps before €“ say, between Elder Scrolls games €“ but they don't seem to quite have stuck the landing with Fallout 4. It's a definite improvement on New Vegas and the third game, but it doesn't dazzle as other current games do. If you're not impressed by the world, then what?
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Fallout 4
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/