10 Powerful Video Game Features NOBODY Uses (But You Should)

1. Alchemy - Baldur's Gate 3

fallout 4 syringer rifle
Larian Studios

Despite how much Baldur's Gate 3 players love to discover all the secret dialogue options and events, there is one mystery that pretty much no one wants to consider: what is alchemy good for?

Most Baldur's Gate players' experience with the alchemy tab can be boiled down to them clicking on it, realizing crafting potions is a mechanic, and then never coming back to it for the rest of the campaign.

It makes sense, considering how many different, far more exciting things happen throughout the game. However, you really shouldn't neglect the alchemy tab so quickly, as it can actually be a ton of overpowered fun as well.

The secret to alchemy is finding the right recipes that will allow you to craft potions that are worth browsing through its lackluster menu.

In particular, you want to learn how to make haste and speed potions, which will give you and your party additional actions during combat, allowing you to completely dominate your enemies before they even get a chance to react.

It can be a bit tedious to craft your own potions, but if you craft the right ones, the process rewards you with a highly entertaining and overpowering bonus.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.