10 Powerful Video Game Items You Can Find In The First HOUR
If you know where to look...

Finding amazing gear is a sure way of improving your experience with a game, as it lets you feel like an indestructible god. Unfortunately most of the time to get the really powerful stuff you have to reach the end of the game.
But who has time for that? You want to feel the power of your character as soon as they get released into the world, and luckily, this is actually a completely reasonable and attainable desire in some games.
Some of the god tier weapons and armor can be found in games within the first hour of your play time, so long as you know where to look for it. They can change your zero-to-hero start into an instant legend of a one-man army laying waste to everything that crosses their path.
Check out the following items and make sure to pick them up on your next playthrough. It’s as easy as doing a little detour in the first hour of the game.
10. Katana - Dead Rising

Katanas, just like chainsaws and spiked baseball bats, have been a staple of the zombie apocalypse for a very long time. You might be asking why, but once you get your hands on the katana from Dead Rising 1, the answer becomes pretty obvious.
The damage, durability, and ability to slash multiple zombies at once make the katana the perfect weapon for cutting through hordes of zombies. You can kill dozens of them before you even need to think of replacing your weapon, plus you look really stylish while doing it.
The best thing about the katana, however, is that you can get it as soon as you enter the Willmette Mall. All you need to do is jump on top of the awning located above the juice shop near the exit from the safehouse. The katana is just lying there, making it both a powerful early weapon and an easily replaceable one.
You have to wonder, though. Who just throws away a katana and then leaves it on the roof of a juice store? Some poor samurai must've had a really rough day...