10 Powerful Video Game Moments That Gave You The Chills

5. Destroying Megaton - Fallout 3

One of the most dastardly choices given to you in any game, let alone the already fairly survival-first Fallout series; opting within the first couple hours of the game to optional nuke an entire town packed with civilians.

Sure it makes for a lovely (yet twisted) image, but between talking to one 'Mister Burke' and actually rigging the charge needed to detonate, you'll be mulling over all sorts of second thoughts along the way.

The really great moment comes with Burke leaving the detonation up to you, as in pushing the button the desolate winds whipping around the wasteland are suddenly accompanied by the distant sounds of pure devastation. A perfectly realistic-looking nuclear cloud fills the screen after a blinding light and you're left with either a shedload of guilt - or the first step into playing Fallout 3 like a every-man-for-himself maniac.

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