10 Powerful Video Game Moments That Gave You The Chills

12. Final Hill Climb - Journey

Journey's experimental nature as a minimalist approach to adventuring, with the added element of online interaction putting another faceless traveller alongside you, was a stroke of genius.

Over the highest sand dunes and lowest tombs you forged a bond with this anonymous companion, communicating only through simple noises to indicate when you'd found something worth pointing out. It's in this idea of restraining communication in such a unique experience that come the final couple levels of the game that see you battling intense cold in an attempt to scale what you assume is the home straight, that both you and your partner will actually end up keeling over together.

Naturally it's not the end, but for those few seconds when you're battling on, gripping the controller tighter and hoping aloud in the vision-obscuring blizzard that your friend is doing the same, that everything Journey represents is perfectly executed.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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