10 Powerful Video Game Stories Told Without Words

Silence is golden.

virginia game
Variable State

In media today there’s more than one way to tell a story. Words on a page, photos in a frame and scripts brought to life by talented actors all have the ability to tell a compelling tale.

The pokey medium of video games may well be the most fertile ground for narratives to be presented, however, as there are simply so many ways it can be done. Frequent cinematics to entice the film fan, environmental exploration for the most curious among us and decision-based adventures for those who find thrill in the agony of multiple choice.

When a game crafts a world rich with detail and a lovable cast of characters, words are often optional. Lengthy scripts can be replaced by innovative gameplay mechanics, and endless text bubbles scrapped in favour of atmospheric sound effects.

Building tension, offering emotion and adding a layer of uncertainty into otherwise stale stories without the use of words is not uncommon for these 10 games.

Note: While some games presented do have dialogue and writing in certain scenes, the power of the stories is enhanced without the use of words.

10. Florence

virginia game

Releasing on smartphones in early 2018, Florence is as innovative as it is charming.

The story follows protagonist, Florence (weird right?), as she navigates the emotional whirlwind of falling in love. Taking the player through her childhood dreams, the blissful side of romance and an eventual break up, the story of personal growth is presented with no words or dialogue in sight.

The gameplay mechanics work wonders in telling the story. Winding a clock with the swipe of a finger to demonstrate a time jump, tapping musical notes in sequence as Florence is swept away by tunes in the distance or even having to construct a speech bubble out of jigsaw pieces to imitate the awkwardness of a first date.

The soundtrack combined with the gameplay makes Florence’s otherwise simple story carry so much more emotion. Uplifting scenes are paired with simple and tranquil piano melodies and the long, sombre sounds of a cello or double bass accompany times of turmoil.

Florence’s insistence on keeping dialogue to a bare minimum is precisely the reason why its narrative is so powerful, as the quirky gameplay choices and wonderful soundtrack pack quite the emotional punch.


Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.