10 Powerful Video Game Weapons You Had ONE CHANCE To Obtain

7. Ice Arrows - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

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After completing the Gerudo Fortress in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link gains access to a new area called the Gerudo Training Ground. As our time-travelling hero completes challenges inside this labyrinth, he'll receive a series of Small Keys. By using these Keys on the facility's locked doors, Link will be rewarded with Ice Arrows, which can freeze enemies in place.

However, acquiring these icy projectiles is anything but simple.

Link has to be armed with almost every item to complete the Training Ground, including the Lens of Truth, the Iron Boots, the Megaton Hammer, and the Silver Gauntlets, all scattered across the game.

More importantly, there are two routes to reach the Ice Arrows, one sealed by seven locked doors, the other by eight. Since there are only seven Keys to find, reaching the Ice Arrows becomes impossible if Link goes the wrong way. If this happens, it's not the end of the world, since the Ice Arrows aren't mandatory to complete the game, but it's still annoying to miss out, since Ice Arrows are the most powerful projectiles in Ocarina by a literal long shot.


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