10 Pre-Internet Video Game Secrets Everyone Fell For

9. The Nudity Code - Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball

shadow of the colossus

Even though Tomb Raider is the most famous game to inspire a nude code hoax, it wasn't the only one.

In 2003, Team Ninja launched a Dead Or Alive spin-off called Dead Or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Even though DOA veterans were happy to see the female fighters jiggling away in their skimpy swimsuits, some were hoping to see a bit more skin. So, when it was suggested there was a way to make the characters play volleyball topless, it sounded too good to be true.

Unsurprisingly, it was. However, there were two reasons why this baseless lie gained traction (apart from wishful thinking). Firstly, Xtreme Beach Volleyball does contain a naked character in the opening scene. Even though it only lasts a second, the ESRB rating stated the game depicts women in the nip, perpetuating the naked code rumour.

Not only that, a hacker devised a mod that dressed the female ensemble in flesh-based skins, giving credence to the hoax. When photos of these skins were made public, many gamers assumed they were the real deal, oblivious they were from a pirated version of the game. 

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