10 Precise Video Game Mechanics That Made You Rage Quit

9. Inventory Management - Resident Evil Zero

Soul calibur 6

Resident Evil Zero is in many respects one of the most underappreciated entries into the legendary survival horror franchise, but it also pissed many fans off with one of its more radical gameplay changes.

Zero introduced an overhauled inventory system which ditched the iconic item storage boxes from previous games, instead allowing players to just... drop items on the floor.

In theory this new system meant that players didn't have to find an item box in order to free up inventory space, but in reality it simply meant that they ended up doing a ton more backtracking in order to return to items they'd previously dropped.

This was only exacerbated by the fact that each character only has a stingy six inventory slots, which just isn't enough given how many weapons, rounds of ammo, health items, and quest items the game asks you to juggle.

Ultimately it marked an attempt by Capcom to fix a "problem" that didn't really exist, to ditch the unrealistic storage boxes - which would magically transport all stored items to any box you opened - in favour of something more grounded.

But Zero's inventory system really just generated so much tedious busy-work that many players never even finished the damn thing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.