10 Precise Video Game Mechanics That Made You Rage Quit

4. Fog Of War - Wargroove

Soul calibur 6

Wargroove is a (mostly) terrific turn-based tactics game, albeit one that forces players to suffer through the ever-dreaded Fog of War mechanic.

Fog of War is a mechanic which limits player visibility on the game map, meaning any enemy units concealed by the fog will effectively be invisible.

This isn't an inherently bad gameplay system, but what ruins it is the fact that the enemy AI isn't governed by the same rules and seemingly sees straight through the fog.

In table-flippingly blatant fashion, the AI will regularly respond to your movements as though the fog isn't there at all, effectively cheating the entire experience.

Though Wargroove is still a blast in online multiplayer where no such shenanigans are possible, this realisation prompted many players to ditch the campaign entirely in a fit of very justified anger.

While there's presumably a technical reason why the AI doesn't adhere to the Fog of War just as the player does, it unfortunately sours the single-player mode.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.