10 Problems With The Metal Gear Series Nobody Wants To Admit

10. Solid Snake Shouldn't Have Died

Hideo Kojima is a first-class troll. When Metal Gear Solid 2 was finally released for the Playstation 2 €“ after real-life events caused much of the opening level to be totally scrapped and started again from scratch €“ fans were excited to watch Solid Snake's leap into the next gen, and play as their favourite character in what was then glorious high-def graphics. Except it turned out that only the first few hours of the game had you playing as Snake. For the lion's share of Sons Of Liberty, you played as Raiden, a somewhat effete younger member of his espionage team with flowing blonde hair, pretty boy looks, and a girlfriend who kept bugging him during his top-secret life-or-death mission. Metal Gear Solid was the last time gamers could play as Snake proper until the PS3 title Guns Of The Patriots...which saw the series' original hero dying of old age and maybe also cancer. Then he did die at the end, and since then you've never got to play as the main character if these games. Which is ridiculous. Just give the people what they want Kojima!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/